Update on The Club at Tuffley Park

I was very sorry to see the Club at Tuffley Park close earlier this year, when the company running it went into liquidation. I sympathise with anyone who lost money through cancelled events.

I have been in regular contact with the city council, who own the building, about its future. There has been much interest from local firms, charities and organisations in taking it over.

I am adamant that the tenant who takes this on will need to run it as a genuine community resource. I would expect to work proactively with them, as well as the excellent Friends of Tuffley Park 🌳 to bring the Club on and embed them in the Podsmead community.

At the moment the council are still responding to questions from interested parties, and once these are answered they will be convening a panel to review the shortlisted applicants. I hope to be a part of this panel as the local city councillor.

The building needs some repairs due to the recent bad weather and being empty for so long, so it unlikely to be open until the new year.

I will continue to work proactively with the council to bring this valuable community resource back into use as soon as possible.

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