Walk through Earls Park

I had a walk through Earls Park the other day.

The construction on the estate is nearing completion and we should then be able to proceed to adoption of the roads once done.

The process of adopting the parks is underway.

Some new street signs have been installed which is good to see, and the flattened one has been righted, albeit with a few scratches!

Get out there and walk

I regularly walk around my ward. It’s a good way to check on things like the state of footpaths and roads, and any issues like weeds or litter.

It’s also good for my health and my step-count.

I always find something to report, or see something that has been fixed at my request.

I nearly always end up seeing residents who want to have a chat.

I can’t solve every problem but I always listen.

This was taken walking over the bridge on Bristol Road.

Memorial Ground Walkabout

I had a walkabout of the memorial ground this week, having been contacted by members of Widden Old Boys and Old Cryptians.

There is an issue currently with dog walkers leaving poo bags in the hedges round the ground.

The ground is private land, but there is a public right of way through the ground, from the stile at Laburnum Road, past the pitches and through the ash path to Stroud Road.

I met with Rob Panou of Old Cryptians and we discussed what we could do about this problem.

I had initially thought there might be an unused bin on Blackbridge field but that is not the case, as Cllr Caroline Courtney had already got it moved.

The council are not usually keen to add more bins to the total number, as we have 1100 bins in the city which all have to be emptied regularly. Hopefully though as Old Cryptians have said they could contribute financially to the costs of a new bin, this might sway the council.

I will report back on progress soon.

What’s happening at the Club at Tuffley Park?

I often get asked where we are with the reopening of the Club at Tuffley Park.

Everyone in the community was disappointed when this venue closed, and I have been adamant as the local city councillor for Podsmead that we must get it reopened as soon as possible, with tenants and activities that are community-based.

City council cabinet of which I’m a member unanimously approved One Church as the new tenant in July, and we are excited for their plans for the building.

City council officers are currently finalising the terms of the lease, and the repairs to the roof and internal fittings that have become necessary while the building was empty.

Whilst we want to reopen as quickly as possible, it is absolutely vital we get these things right to avoid any more costly problems down the line.

I will update residents as soon as I know more, and crucially when we have an opening date.

Milton Avenue issues

After contact from residents I’ve again asked the council to remove the old bit of carpet and the dog mess from the alleyway through from Milton Avenue green space, to Empire Way.

Unfortunately someone has damaged the information board by the park, so I’ve made the parks manager, Podsmead Big Local chair and the Friends of Milton Avenue aware.

Other things I’ve asked for are for the drains to be cleared and the sign for the green space area to be cleaned.

Finally, I’m approving a funding request for improvements to the steps at the other end of the green space.

As always any issues in our area, let me know: https://sebastianfield.mycouncillor.org.uk/how-to-contact-me/

Monthly update for July

July was another busy month with work on the council for Podsmead and Gloucester.

Amongst my work this month as cabinet member I:

📅 Attended the first cabinet meeting of the new Lib Dem administration – approved an ambitious business plan for the Guildhall and the new tenant for The Club at Tuffley Park amongst other reports

🙋‍♂️ 🙋‍♀️ Attended full council and answered questions within my portfolio

🖥️ Had meetings online and in person to learn more about developments in the environment and climate change portfolio 💼

🌎 Moved forward with work on our climate change agenda

🍃 🚛 Saw Hako the weedripper machine in action

♻️ Visited the Eastern Avenue depot

🌳 Visited Robinswood Hill Country Park and heard about Gloucester Nature Park plans

In Podsmead I:

🚗 ⚠️ Reported for clear up the burnt out car

🌳 Had a walkabout with the city council tree officer

👮 Had a meeting with the PCSO

🪧 Met residents in Earls Park and made myself available for a follow up

🧍‍♂️ 🧍‍♀️ Helped residents with casework

🏠 Popped into the hub

🥕 Arranged another donation from Tesco for the Poets Pantry

🐕 Reported overflowing dog waste bins for emptying

📞 📧 Held Blackbridge and their contractors to account on their planning conditions

🍃 Requested that Podsmead be cleared of weeds soon (it is being done within days)

As always if I can help with a local issue or something within the environment department do let me know:


The city council have recently purchased a new machine, Hako, at a cost of £75K, but neutral to budget.

Its mechanical ripping method is helping to get on top of the weeds in the city, which have grown extra-fast this year due to the heavy rain and warm weather we’ve been experiencing.

Hako clears the weeds very throughly and prevents their regrowth more effectively next time round, as it rips the plant from the root.

It also helps us reduce our use of chemical sprays to kill the weeds, so saving us money and helping us reach our biodiversity and climate commitments.

The only real downside is that it is a small machine and has to be emptied frequently at the depot in Eastern Avenue.

As part of my budget proposals for next year’s budget I will be aiming to purchase a second machine so that we can divide the city into north and south and speed up the weed removal process even more.