Thanks to everyone working over Christmas and New Year

Whilst most of us will be enjoying the Festive break, many people will be working over Christmas and New Year to keep the rest of us safe, secure and comfortable.

So thank you:

  • Council roads staff
  • Council emergency staff
  • Social workers
  • Carers
  • Health workers
  • Police officers and civilians staff
  • Ambulance service staff
  • Fire service staff
  • RNLI and mountain rescue volunteers
  • Those serving in the armed forces
  • Coastguards
  • Energy supply staff, especially those ready to go out and restore power lost in storms
  • Call centre workers for gas, electricity, water and phone services
  • Hospitality, hotel and catering staff
  • Those giving meals to homeless and vulnerable people

My apologies to anyone else I have missed from this list.

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