Good news for Millstone Way and Earls Park

Two pieces of good news for the residents of Millstone Way, Earls Park.

Firstly, work has started on the link to provide access for the refuse collectors, from Manu Marble Way.

This will enable the trucks to go directly to Millstone Way and not require residents to place their refuse and recycling at the far end of the street, as up to now the refuse collectors have not been able to go as far as the top end of Millstone Way due to the narrow road and nowhere to turn.

I have confirmed with Matthew Homes that access will be via two lockable bollards which the refuse collectors will have access to, but there will not be a general cut-through.

This is great news as it comes after months of campaigning from me, and lots of wrangling between Matthew Homes, city council as the collecting authority, and county council Highways.

The second piece of good news is that I secured a proper sign on the front of 33 Millstone Way, after residents raised it with me. I wrote to the housing association that owns the block and it was installed recently.

I hope to have more news soon on other matters around Earls Park, and the Podsmead ward.

If I can help with anything, do let me know:

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