Will the vanishing council ever get these weeds cleared?

I have reported weeds and litter in several alleyways around Podsmead to the council for clearing.

Some, like the one between Podsmead Road and Thornhill Close, I have reported multiple times.

Chatting to residents on the doorstep, it is clear that they share my view that the council is vanishing and is not getting small jobs like this done like they used to.

The problem is lack of resources. Staff are overwhelmed.

A Liberal Democrat run city council would sort these problems out and get the small things right once again.

I will continue to press for action on alleyways in Podsmead including this one as well as:

Burns Avenue to Eliot Close

Tennyson Avenue to Podsmead Road

Shelley Avenue to Tennyson Avenue

Please let me know details of any more you spot in our area.

Overgrown vegetation in Neven Place

After contact from residents I have reported overgrown vegetation at Neven Place (Earls Park) to Matthew Homes. It is preventing the footpaths in the park area being used. Until the two parks in the estate are made up to adoptable standard, and can then be adopted by the city council, Matthew Homes remain responsible for their upkeep.

Please contact me if you know of any overgrown vegetation in our area:

Some recent issues reported in Podsmead

In recent days I have reported the following issues for follow-up by the city or county council:

Bike with missing wheels, chained to lamppost at end of Masefield Avenue/Podsmead Road

Re-reported pothole and broken road sign on A38/Bristol Road – these had been forgotten about due to an administrative error, after my reports earlier this year

Potholes outside McDonald’s

Trees in Chaucer Close for inspection by Gloucester City Homes

If I can help with issues large or small please contact me:

Reporting anti-social behaviour online

New online reporting tool available

Anti-social behaviour can now be reported online to Gloucestershire Police. 

Anti-social behaviour covers a variety of unacceptable activity, such as vandalism, graffiti, nuisance neighbours and intimidating behaviour. Feedback from the public has shown that people are not always sure to report their concerts, so Gloucestershire Constabulary has launched its new online reporting form to assistant in getting people the help they need as soon as possible, without needing to wait on 101 to report a non-urgent incident. 
Click here to access the reporting form

Ward work in Podsmead

Along with the big issues we are dealing with as councillors, such as the closure of GL1 and Oxstalls, the Tuffley Avenue traffic calming scheme and its effects, and the recent closure of The Club at Tuffley Park, there is always a flow of smaller but no less important issues.

Many cases cannot be publicised on social media as they involve constituents’ personal details.

Some things I have been dealing with in recent weeks that are of a more general nature include:

Footbridge over Podsmead Road joining Podmsead to Tuffley – asked for this to be swept for leaves 🍂

Red plastic barriers 🚧 in Oakland’s Park – removed at my request ✅

Streetlights 💡 in a Podsmead street – working to get these reactivated 📧

Weeds in several streets – reported to the council AGAIN 🤞🏻

Street sign 🪧- reported ✅

Pothole – filled ✅

You can let me know any issues in Podsmead you need my help with via my contact page here: