Can I help?

I am extremely grateful to the residents of Podsmead for keeping me on as your councillor.

There is lots to do to support the community of Podsmead and in the city of Gloucester.

As always I’m ready to get stuck in.

If I can help with any problem, please let me know:

It’s a pleasure to serve our area.

Jamie Hyett memorial match at Tuffley Rovers

Tuffley Rovers write on their Facebook page:

Next Saturday we will once again come together to celebrate the memory of a great Rover, Jamie Hyett, three years after he tragically passed away.

Jamie’s sons Scott & Kane will lead the teams out for what is probably a final game in a trilogy, as we look to raise valuable funds for the Cheltenham Oncology Unit, who did so much for Jamie during his illness.

This is another (and potentially final) opportunity to celebrate his life & legacy. KO is 12:30pm at Glevum Park.

Overflowing bin at Blackbridge

There is an overflowing bin at Blackbridge which several residents have reported to me when out walking their dogs.

It is a city council bin so they are responsible for emptying, but they are having trouble accessing it due to the construction.

I have therefore asked the council to work with the Blackbridge Charitable Community Benefit Society on getting this bin emptied. The construction manager has been asked to respond to me on how this will be managed in future.

A few issues I have reported recently

These are just a few of the many issues I report on a weekly basis. As well as casework of this type, there is also much work for constituents behind the scenes, which cannot be publicised due to confidentiality.

It’s clear that Podsmead residents value having a hard-working local councillor who keeps in touch all year round, not just at election time.

Pavement in Shakespeare Avenue fixed

This dangerous patch of pavement in Shakespeare Avenue has now been fixed after I contacted the council.

It doesn’t look like the neatest job in the world so we will have to keep an eye on it.

There was recently a patch in Keats Avenue that had to be redone by the contractor, due to a poor first job.

I will continue to press the county council to do more to fix Podsmead’s roads and pavements.

Action on damaged brickwork at Black Bridge

The bridge running over the old railway line behind Blackbridge and The Crypt School has suffered some damage to the brickwork, and some graffiti.

I’ve reported this to Gloucestershire County Council, who own the asset and are responsible for its upkeep.

I’m hopeful that, once fixed, we can get the graffiti removed and care for this area more.

I’ve already had positive responses from partners like The Crypt School and Blackbridge Charitable Community Benefit Society, and will be arranging some community action events here.

This area in one far corner of the ward has been unloved and we could do some more to make it attractive for both people and wildlife, such as planting some more vegetation to attract animals and insects.

If you see any more damage to brickwork or graffiti in our area please let me know: