Happy New Year Podsmead

I would like to wish all residents in Podsmead and Gloucester a happy and healthy new year.

There will be lots of challenges in 2025, and projects coming to fruition:

The Club at Tuffley Park reopening

Blackbridge Hub opening

Earls Park estate being completed

A decision on the regeneration of Podsmead

And of course, perhaps the biggest thing to affect all residents will be the Labour government’s Devolution White Paper, leading to councils moving to unitary authorities and with regional reorganisation, if it happens.

I will put my views forward in this debate when I need, but above all I will continue to be a hard-working and contactable local councillor.

Please get in touch if I can help:

Missing bollard at Lower Tuffley Lane

Highways have confirmed that they will be replacing this bollard going from Shakespeare Avenue into Lower Tuffley Lane.

It would be possible to get a small vehicle through this gap, so motorists are reminded that there is no legal through route here – if caught you could get fined.

I have also reported the fly-tipped appliance to the council.

Let me know any other issues that need reporting:

Thanks to everyone working over Christmas and New Year

Whilst most of us will be enjoying the festive break, many people will be working over Christmas and New Year to keep the rest of us safe, secure, and comfortable.

So thank you:

Council roads staff
Council emergency staff
Social workers
Health workers
Police officers and civilian staff
Ambulance service staff
Fire service staff
RNLI and mountain rescue volunteers
Those serving in the armed forces
Energy supply staff, especially those ready to go out and restore power lost in storms
Call centre workers for gas, electricity, water and phone services
Hospitality, hotel and catering staff
Those giving meals to homeless and vulnerable people

… and all the others working over Christmas and New Year.

Apologies if I have missed anyone out!

Bus shelter glass fixed

I am grateful to the bus stop team at the council for replacing the screen at the shelter on Podsmead Road within 24 hours of my report.

Further along the road I have got Stagecoach to change the name of the stop at the junction with Tuffley Avenue, from ‘Podsmead Avenue South’ to ‘Podsmead Road South’.

New bins coming soon

Good news this week in that the council have agreed to my request for two new bins in Podsmead.

There has been an issue with dog walkers putting their dog poo bags in the bins at the Memorial Ground, where Widden Old Boys Rugby Club and Old Cryptians Rugby Football Club play their games.

There have even been instances of throwing dog poo bags in the hedge – not very pleasant for club staff and volunteers.

I worked with the two clubs and the city council to get two news bins to alleviate the problem by giving people official city council bins they can use.

The two locations will be at the top of Laburnum Road, by the entrance to the Memorial Ground there, and by the entrance to the ash path on Stroud Road.

There is a backlog of litter bins to be installed so this won’t happen overnight, and it could be a while before we see them installed, but I have been assured that the locations we highlighted are sensible and will allow the crews to access the bins easily.

Grateful to the two clubs for bringing this issue to my attention and especially to local resident Rob for meeting me on site and showing me the problem first hand.

Autumnal update

I’ve been busy as ever this week on your behalf.

In Podsmead I’ve:

🗑️ celebrated the news that we are getting two new bins for either end of the Memorial Ground

🍃 asked the council about the leaf clearance programme

🍂 wrote to the county council to ask for the two drains at the entrance to Newark Road to be cleared

📄 liaised with the Earls Park residents’ group about adoption agreements

🎃 saw some great Halloween and autumnal decorations around Podsmead

In cabinet work I’ve

📅 had meetings with Climate Leadership Gloucestershire, Ubico, the Eelscapes Project and the council’s asset manager over the Club at Tuffley Park, the Podsmead Place pathway and other issues

🖍️ progressed the council’s graffiti action plan

Clocks go back 26th/27th October

Don’t forget that the clocks go back overnight on Saturday 26th into Sunday 27th October.

They officially change over at 2am Sunday morning, going back by an hour.

If you have a smartphone they usually do it automatically.

For oven or car dashboard clocks you can either attempt to change it or just live with it for six months…

More information on the government website here: https://www.gov.uk/when-do-the-clocks-change