What’s happening with the phone box?

A couple of years ago the phone box on Podsmead Road was earmarked for removal. There were no objections that I was aware of and the police were quite keen for it be taken away, because it was often used for nuisance 999 calls, which by law they have to waste time and resources attending.

I wrote to BT and they told me that the box would be removed. Clearly, it is still there, although recently it was smashed up and the glass has still not been replaced.

Generally, in an emergency people have either got a mobile phone or could get to a nearby house with a phone. The usage figures on this, and to be honest most, call boxes were very low.

I will be contacting BT again and asking what the latest is. Either it needs to be removed, to prevent any more vandalism, or we keep it for its current purpose. Or we could turn it into something like a community library. Do let me know your views!

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