Walkabout to deal with fly-tipping issues in Podsmead

I went for a problem-solving walkabout with PCSO Suzanne Sexton and Kevin Lee, Gloucester City Council, Environmental Crime.

We looked at several areas including the back of the shops on Scott Avenue, the clothes bin by the alleyway through to Eliot Close, Milton Avenue and Stratford Close.

Kevin and his team will investigate any reports of fly-tipping and have been successful in issuing fines since the team was instigated. Fly-tipping can result in a £400 fine if you are caught.

The advice from the council is to report fly-tipping to environment@gloucester.gov.uk, or let me know and I will pass it on to the team. Please do not touch the fly-tipping yourself, both for health and safety reasons and for preserving evidence.

Unfortunately the fly-tipping by the clothes bin does not contain any evidence to identify a culprit, but there have been successful prosecutions at this location before.

My preference would be to have the clothes bin moved onto Scott Avenue or removed entirely. Council officers are contacting the charity to try to facilitate a solution.

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