Use play equipment safely and keep Covid-19 away from loved ones

Parents and guardians wanting to take children to use play equipment in Gloucester should remind themselves of the current Coronavirus guidance.

Play areas across the city have been closed since the start of lockdown, but are set to reopen on Saturday 4th July.

However, adults should make sure they and children follow guidance to protect themselves and others from catching and spreading Covid-19. In addition, adults are being encouraged to bring their own sanitising wipes and hand gels for them and their children to use before and after touching equipment.

Signs have been put up at the city’s 70+ play areas informing the public of the guidance and any measures they should take to be safe. This includes washing hands before and after using equipment, not touching your face and keeping at least 2 metres away from others outside of your household or bubble. Where 2 metres isn’t possible, 1 metre is acceptable as long as extra safety measures are taken. As well as the guidance, signs will display the maximum number of people allowed in gated play areas if appropriate.

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