Update on streetlighting at Earls Park

First published on Facebook

A resident contacted me concerned about the lack of working streetlights in the Bristol Road area of the Earls Park development.

They also asked about the poor road surface and whether it could be improved.

Even though the development is not yet complete, all occupied houses should have working streetlights.

The developer have told me that the road surface will be topped off when the development is completed, in approximately 9-12 months.

I have raised the lack of operational streetlights with the developer, and asked that the lampposts which are already installed are made to work.

Streetlights and good road surfaces are integral parts of a safe neighbourhood, and I will continue to press for these on behalf of Podsmead residents.

Update for 16.1.21

I am pleased to report that the developer have agreed to check the streetlights on 18.1.21, with a view to activating any that are not working. They will also see what can be done about the worst potholes and defects as an interim measure before resurfacing can take place at the end of the development.

4 thoughts on “Update on streetlighting at Earls Park

  1. ANAND KUMAR says:

    Hi Sebastian Field,

    Many thanks for helping in sorting lack of working streetlights in the Bristol Road area of the Earls Park development. But builder (Mathew Homes) still didn’t fixed Streetlights & Potholes at Dreadnought way & Millstone way yet.


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