Update on progress at former gasworks, Bristol Road

Following the previous update, National Grid and its main contractor VHE are progressing well with work onsite on Bristol Road to remove materials associated with its former use as a gasworks.

As a reminder, in May/June 2021, National Grid undertook some initial routine site investigation works to assess the ground conditions. The findings from these works informed the planning application which Gloucester City Council approved earlier this year. This means that the unused land can be brought back into beneficial use.

At this stage in the remediation work, most of the materials associated with the site’s former use as a gasworks have been removed. This stage is expected to be completed over the next couple of weeks. The team will then reinstate the site to the original ground level. This is done by breaking up the hard materials onsite already to form compacted stone at an even level across the site. The photograph shows the concrete crusher onsite as this work starts. 

The works started at the end of June and are now due for completion in October/November 2022.

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