I missed my update last week so here is two weeks’ worth of news.
Cabinet news:
📆 I attended Overview and Scrutiny to answer questions about the council’s Air Quality Action Plan. Air quality in the city is improving but there is more we can do, hence a new set of measures for the next four years. I also attended cabinet.
🏚️I had a tour of the Fleece Hotel site with cabinet colleagues and council officers to hear about our ideas for the buildings and surrounding land.
Podsmead news:
🎽 I met with members of the committee of Gloucester Athletics Club and a council officer to see what could be done about the old athletics building at Blackbridge
💡 I reported a faulty streetlight and was told this would be fixed soon
🛣️ I liaised with Blackbridge over the issues with contractors affecting residents
🗑️ I reminded the council about my request for a bin or two for the Memorial Ground
📧 I wrote to Matthew Homes, the county council and the section 106 officer about the adoption of Earls Park open spaces, and the cut-through to Newark Road.
An inspection for adoption can likely take place in November or after, once the final pieces of street furniture are in. I have also passed on resident concerns about surface water and the poor drainage, which will need to be rectified to meet adoptable standard.
🔈 I helped residents with various issues like noise, housing problems and vegetation
🌁 It’s good to see the bridge from Podsmead Road to Tuffley has been cleaned and repaired.