Upcoming work at former gasworks, Bristol Road, Gloucester

In May/June 2021, NGLP undertook some initial routine site investigation works to assess the ground conditions on their land. The findings from these works have informed their planning application which Gloucester City Council has now approved.

A specialist contractor VHE Construction will be moving onto the site on Monday 27 June and the work is due to be completed in September.

Activity on site 

This phase of work will include remediation work to clean up the land and remove materials associated with the site’s former use as a gasworks, followed by the reinstatement of the site to the original ground level so that it can be brought back into future beneficial use.

The working hours will be between 7.30am and 6pm Monday to Friday. You may see some of the team arriving on site before 7.30am but no work will take place before 7.30am or after 6pm.

Keeping everyone safe

As a responsible neighbour, NGPL have procedures in place to ensure they minimise any disruption to the local community. ‘We have robust plans for mitigating any odour, dust and noise associated with the work due to take place and we will be monitoring these to ensure that we are working within safe limits. The health and safety of the public, our neighbours and our workers remains our top priority when undertaking any work.’

Communicating with you throughout the work

NGLP are considering holding an information event to provide an opportunity for the community to find out more about the work and meet the team.

If you’d like to attend an information event, please could you confirm your interest to the community relations team by emailing NGLPCommunityRelations@camargue.uk or calling on 0800 1448 904. Depending on the level of interest, NGLP will contact you with further details. The level of interest will determine the format.

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