Tuffley Park – wall and play park – and Milton Avenue

I have written to the section 106 officer at Gloucester City Council to ask for a few updates on Tuffley Park and Milton Avenue:

‘Could you update me on how much has been spent of the Section 106 money we have for Podsmead, and how much remains?

  • Podsmead Big Local have drawn down £74,000 from the lottery funding and ordered the play equipment and GCC have raised an order of £16,000 to provide safety surfacing for the new play equipment. The installation is likely to be end of December.
  • GCC have gone out to tender for outdoor gym equipment (£21,000). Companies have until 10th Nov to bid and we are expecting four companies to bid. Monday 15 November – Friday 19 November 2021 we will put the bids up on the Milton Ave Facebook group page and ask the community to vote on which they prefer. If we could spread the vote more widely in some way that would be great?
  • So we have about £30,000 remaining in the Podsmead budget now.
  • Completion of the wall will be mid-December. The gates will be installed at the same time. They came to about £5,500. The wall was paid for with the insurance money.’

We still have some money available for projects, then, and I would like to hear from residents on any ideas they might have. I have asked for a toddler swing to be considered for the play park at Tuffley Park. Other ideas could be benches or some more planting. Do let me know.

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