Tuffley Avenue traffic calming

The traffic calming scheme on Tuffley Avenue has been running for a couple of weeks now. Whilst this scheme has been implemented by the Conservative-run county council, I have tried to have input into the process. I have already heard from many residents about various issues and complaints.

I welcome feedback good or bad on this scheme.
Please email me on Sebastian.Field@Gloucester.gov.uk and I will feed back comments to the local Highways manager.

3 thoughts on “Tuffley Avenue traffic calming

  1. Gerry Hartin says:

    It is definitely slowing traffic. If only you could put a stop to cars parking on the grass verges either side of the Tuffley Park entrance – so dangerous!

  2. Minette Lane says:

    Hi Seb, – As Tuffley Avenue straddles two council wards it would be great if some co-ordination of views could also be gathered from neighbours in the Linden ward across the road. Some cross party working required.
    The numerous installations are completely over the top for the ‘perceived problems’ with the avenue. The raised traffic calmers are really savage to drive across, much more vicious than those used in say Linden road. Wilton road etc. Also, these calmers do not extend across the entire road so many drivers are protecting their suspensions by moving into the middle of the road to avoid the humps, not a safe practice at 30 mph, but understandable. The Newark road build out appears completely unnecessary. What is it meant to achieve that a further hump could not? I use the Avenue at least twice a day and am already noticing an increase in both traffic travelling down the Avenue, or indeed out of Podsmead road choosing to avoid the Newark road tailbacks and turning into Seymour road instead. Previous planning in the avenue has created 3 KEEPCLEAR road markings to accommodate ‘pinch point’ access for houses/businesses but no such provision has been made for the Newark road pinch point. Newark road residents will struggle to get out of the road and when the junction is blocked any resident travelling up the Avenue and wanting to turn right into Newark road will create total grid lock both ways. Cars/vans are still parking (quite legally) on the Avenue just above Gladstone road and when ‘give way’ cars are queuing down the Avenue larger vehicles going up the Avenue cannot get through the gap – more gridlock. It is a poorly thought out and badly installed mess.

  3. Sue Beadle says:

    Absolute waste of time and Council money.
    Despite ignoring the views of many Tuffley Avenue residents Andrew Miller forged ahead with his plans.
    The humps are far too wide and viscious to cross smoothly, parking adjacent doesn’t help either, forcing traffic to drive between them.
    The only speed deterrent necessary was a flashing speed monitor either end of The Avenue.

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