As you may be aware, National Grid are currently carrying out some initial routine site investigation works on the former gasworks site on Bristol Road, Gloucester.
The site investigation works are looking for evidence of the former gas works. Once identified, the findings from these site investigation works will be used to inform a planning application National Grid anticipate submitting to Gloucester City Council in September/October 2021. This will be an application to carry out remediation work to clean up the land and remove materials associated with the site’s former use as a gasworks so the unused land can be put back into beneficial use. Local residents will have recently received a letter from National Grid setting out the process in more detail.
National Grid are working to the rough timetable below. The dates are subject to the timings of the planning application and are therefore subject to change.
Mid-May 2021
Site investigation and surveys (3 weeks duration on site)
June 2021
Progressing remediation design
September/October 2021
Submit planning application for the remediation works.
February/March/April 2022
Subject to consents, remediation work on site
Summer 2022
Completion of work on site
If you have any questions about this project, please call the Community Relations team between 9am and 6pm Mondayto Friday on 0800 1448 904 or email