The ‘Podsmead patchwork’

I have lost count of how many potholes I have reported on Scott Avenue over recent years. The patches hold for a few days, before coming loose again. The road now looks like a ‘patchwork’.

What it needs, and what I have called for, is a proper resurface. Sadly, the Conservatives at Shire Hall have consistently failed to allocate resources for this. In fact they have cut the budget spent on our roads.

The road gets regular use, and because of parked cars, it is more heavily used down one side. Long-term, this should also be looked at in any future traffic management plans.

I will continue to press the Conservative-run county council for better roads and pavements in our area.

2 thoughts on “The ‘Podsmead patchwork’

  1. Emma says:

    If there is a small amount of money left in the ward Councillor pot for Podsmead then I suggest it goes towards the improvement of roads/pavements as it makes the place look so run down. Especially after all the pavements that have were dug up. Looks awful.

    • Sebastian Field says:

      Thanks Emma,

      The ward fund is only a few hundred pounds and is for city councillors to use to support projects in their ward. Road repairs and resurfacing often cost much more and Scott Avenue requires a full resurface. This would need to come from the highways budget so would need to be allocated by the Conservatives at Shire Hall. If there are specific areas of pavement or potholes that are smaller, we can always get these reported if you let me know where they are. I have reported many dozens of these sorts of issues since being elected and will continue to press for a better deal for our area.

      Best wishes,


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