Taking action on the disused clothes banks

With enviro crime officer Kevin Lee at the clothes bank in Burns Avenue, Podsmead

The clothes banks for ‘2Rs community’ have been a magnet for fly-tipping, including in Podsmead at Burns Avenue.

Some research I did led me to find out that 2Rs was based in Wolverhampton, and that it no longer exists.

I asked the Leader of the Council a question about this issue and whether we could get the banks removed. He said in response that the clothes banks were usually sited on private land and in these instances it is up to the landowner to get them removed or to make sure they are serviced. Given the charity no longer exists, I would hope that landowners would prefer the banks to be removed, especially as they are a magnet for fly-tipping.

The first part of my question has the list of 2Rs banks that I am aware of in this part of the city:

‘There are several clothes banks for the ‘2Rs Community Resource Centre’ around the city, including in my ward of Podsmead on Burns Avenue, in Tuffley by the Seventh Avenue shops and in Chatsworth Avenue, and in Grange by Homleigh shops. An internet search shows that 2Rs was a Wolverhampton-based charity and that is was dissolved on 31st March 2021.‘

I understand from the Leader that he has been in touch with the city centre manager who is going to contact owners to request removal.

Clothes banks can be very good for charities who can make money for their causes from reselling good quality discarded garments or selling textiles to the rag trade, but only if they are maintained and regularly emptied.

There is a clothes bank in Podsmead at The Club at Tuffley Park that is available to residents. There are also often clothes banks in supermarket car parks such as Asda or Tesco.

If you know of any more disused clothing banks, or any other instances of fly-tipping in our area, do let me know.

2 thoughts on “Taking action on the disused clothes banks

  1. Rosemarie Harris says:

    What is needed is a Gloucester Community bank ( perhaps a lock up in every area) so people who don’t have cars or don’t want to go into town can donate items locally.
    Fancy not checking if the company is still open! I would have thought it should be checked at least once a year.

    • Sebastian Field says:

      Thanks Rose, a good suggestion.

      Yes and they become a magnet for fly-tipping as we have seen.

      All best


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