Shelter for bus stop on Bristol Road – one step closer?

I received the following email from the county council department responsible for bus stops and shelters:

Good morning Cllr Field,

Unfortunately there was no developer condition to install a new bus shelter serving the Log Pond so we are not holding any funds for install. That being said the majority of Bristol Road bus stops are supplied with shelters and I see no reason to exclude this stop especially since it benefits from a real time passenger electronic display. I am therefore happy to add your request to my list and will do my best to action this financial year. The first step will be for me to visit and take some measurements to see exactly what is possible. From memory the location itself should be able to accommodate a shelter at the back of the footway providing we are careful not to compromise footway width for pedestrians or obscure visibility from Log Pond access. Will keep you posted.


Although this is not a guarantee, I am hopeful that the money might be found, and a shelter can be installed here. I will update residents as soon as I have more news.

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