Run with me

On 20th September Read with Me is entering a team in the Wotton 10K – it’s a virtual event with small teams running in Wotton on the day and other runners taking part across the World.

It’s an emergency push to try and raise the funds for 100 primary school children to receive reading support in September.

Literacy is extremely important which is why we’ve worked so hard in the Podsmead area to bring reading opportunities to local children.

During the pandemic, children have really struggled and many have fallen behind. That’s why we’re trying to raise these funds.

So, to support the fundraising I’m going to join in, and run the 10K around Podsmead.

I’m hoping that making this public pledge will help me to train and get in shape before the event!

I’d really appreciate it if anyone who felt able to would sign up and help me out!

If you’d like to join the team to walk, run or even play a 10k game of tag rugby go to our fundraising page – donate £20 and say ‘I’m In’ – you’ll be signed up, sent all the instructions and after the event receive a lovely wooden medal.

We’re just having one fundraising page so please do what you can to encourage friends and family to donate.

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