I get quite a number of contacts about the litter problem on Bristol Road.
I have reported the issues before and litter picks have been carried out by the council contractor. The hedges and land on the bridge are privately owned so it is very difficult to get these cleared. The council can trim the hedges if they start to create a problem on the footpath/highway.
Council officers tell me they are looking to install another litter bin by the bus shelter on Bristol Road, near to the advertising hoardings. They will also look into installing one outside Lidl, if resources allow.
They also tell me that one of the biggest causes of litter is drivers throwing litter from their cars as they go over the bridge or along the road. The area by the bus shelter acts as a wind tunnel and collects the litter.
Of course, the best solution to littering is for people not to do it. Huge amounts of money are spent by the council on emptying bins and picking litter. The council collect a decent amount of items from the doorstep, and we will be pushing for this service to be better in the future. But we all need to play our part by recycling, taking our litter home, and if we do dispose of rubbish whilst out, by using a bin and not littering.