Read with me hundreds and thousands challenge

Are you looking for a fun fitness challenge for a great start to the New Year?

Join the Read With Me Hundreds and Thousands club!

Every penny raised will help children in Gloucestershire learn to read well, helping towards the future they deserve. 

Sign up and set your target – in any multiple of 100K.

Walk, run, swim, cycle, row or freestyle – it’s your call. Just complete it all in January or one month from signing up.

A great start to 2022 for everyone!

£15 Entry Per Person. Feel free to join as a team to complete the distance together.

We’ll send you a well earned medal at the end of January. There will be a dedicated Facebook Group with tips, motivation and support throughout the month. Click here to go to the Facebook group.

And it’s not too late to join up! If you can’t join until towards the end of January, we will still give you the month to complete the challenge and get one of these fab zero waste medals!

At least £10 of your entry fee will go direct to fundraising for Read with me.

We’ll also have a dedicated Just Giving Page where your friends and family can support the cause without you feeling under pressure to raise sponsorship and a Strava Group if you would like to track your distances as part of a group.

Register here and view the crowdfunder here.

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