Raising awareness of Batten Disease

On Tuesday 9th June a group of people dressed in orange, decorated Tuffley Avenue and The Club at Tuffley Park orange and hosted an event to raise awareness of Batten’s Disease, on International Batten Awareness Day.

We were helping the amazing Josh and his family. Josh is battling with this disease, for which sadly there is no cure yet.

The new Mayor of Gloucester, The Right Worshipful Cllr Kate Haigh, was kind enough to attend and speak at the event in support of Batten awareness.

I would like to thank Josh’s family and friends for making the day happen, Ross at the club for hosting us and the Mayor for supporting.

Incredibly, the fundraiser Josh’s family have set up has already made over £6000 at the time of writing.

Please donate if you feel able to, and share the link: https://gf.me/u/x78bkk

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