Proposed parking restrictions for Laburnum Road

After speaking to residents about the plans for Blackbridge, I wrote to Rappor consultancy to ask about the proposed traffic restrictions.

Here is their response, which may be of interest to readers:

I attach for ease of reference the drawing indicating the parking restrictions along Laburnum Road and additional residential parking spaces (10 spaces) to mitigate the loss of on street resident parking as a result of the parking restrictions adjacent to the proposed access to the Community Sports Hub.  You are correct in that parking restrictions are proposed at the junctions, bends and turning head at the end of Laburnum Road.  Parking in these areas was raised as an issue by local residents during our public consultation and also the parking restrictions were requested by GCC to ensure that these areas were kept clear to ensure safe and suitable access.  You will note that the parking restrictions are only proposed in areas where in appropriate parking currently occurs i.e. on junctions, bends and the turning head.  Parking on the existing footway to the rear of the even house numbers along Laburnum Road (Western side) although not ideal is a historic situation and will remain unchanged by the proposed parking restrictions.   Parking on the eastern side of Laburnum Road will also remain available with the exception of the short length adjacent to the access where resident parking bays have been proposed to mitigation the loss of on street parking.

Residents should feel free to contact me with any questions or comments about this or any other aspect of the Blackbridge scheme.

4 thoughts on “Proposed parking restrictions for Laburnum Road

  1. Jamie says:

    Are you sure that’s the final drawing? Because it does not accurately reflect what has been built. The entrance is shifted significantly to the left of that drawing. There is not enough space left for those 10 parking spaces allocated on the plan.

  2. Stephen Wynnytzkyj says:

    Hi Sebastian,

    I thought our local authority was committed to promote walking, cycling and the use of public transport?
    If this is truly the case, why would you want to disrupt the lives of residents by encouraging customers of a local sports facility to drive there?
    We must remember according to the Gloucester planning department, other councillor’s, and MP’s this sports hub is being build for the good folk of Podsmead. Who would all these extra drivers be and where would they be travelling from?
    With all this in mind why do you really want these double yellow lines installed?

    I look forward to your comments.

    • Sebastian Field says:

      Hi Steve,

      The Blackbridge project is indeed encouraging walking and cycling to the Hub by having a dedicate pedestrian and cyclist access via Poplar Close. It’s also a new sports facility in the south of the city which will enable Podsmead residents and those living in the south of the city to go to a hub nearer to them, and avoid travelling many miles to and from for example Plock Court or GL1. In this way it will reduce emissions.
      The proposed traffic restrictions are to prevent problem parking which has been raised with me and my predecessors many times and was part of the feedback received by the traffic consultant. The lines are also to allow safe access.

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