Podsmead regeneration – consultation event Monday 16th May 4-7pm

There is a final consultation event on Monday 16th May, from 4-7pm on Scott Avenue green, before the plans for the regeneration of Podsmead are submitted to the city council for planning committee. The plans have been developed in consultation with the community and taking into account feedback.

There will, though, be plenty of opportunity for further comments, whether supportive or critical. As a major application, it will almost certainly go to the Planning Committee and I intend to speak at the meeting when it takes place.

As I have written before, this scheme is not set in stone, so I do encourage residents to attend the event or make comments to Gloucester City Homes. Latest news about the Podsmead can be viewed here.

4 thoughts on “Podsmead regeneration – consultation event Monday 16th May 4-7pm

  1. philip victor critchley says:

    hello , i have ,and other residents have made our objections on building a houses on byron avenue on a green which would dessemate a GREEN area , natural beauty WHY there are areas in tuffley top of slimbridge road which has been left untouched for many years and a bigger area in size over grown waste landjust off the railway lines top of cole avenue, why has this area not been considered for housing,podsmead needs to be rejuvinated but not more houses and land being taken when there is land which would enhance area which needs developing why take easy option with out considering local people,it seems the preople involved with development do not lkive in glocester so have no affiliation with area

    • Sebastian Field says:

      Thanks Phil the difficulty we have is we need housing, shops and facilities. Podsmead residents have said this many times in consultations and on the doorstep. Ultimately it’s squaring a circle of building much needed housing and bringing community facilities (including maybe a pharmacy) to Podsmead and driving economic regeneration in the area through construction jobs and increased spending. The plans are all being made in consultation with the community and if you have comments and suggestions or criticisms I would urge you to respond when the outline application goes in. Best wishes Seb

  2. Frank says:

    I plan to attend and urge others to . Look at the plans and see the chaos that will occur if they build opposite the school .
    Think it’s bad now wait till the shops car park gets gridlocked with school pick up parkers with no care for local residents

    • Sebastian Field says:

      Thanks the car parking and school drop off are all being looked at and hopefully the regeneration will be a catalyst for this change.

      Best wishes


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