Podsmead Regeneration Consultation Event Cancelled


Gloucester City Homes have unfortunately had to cancel the planned consultation event in September.

It was felt by the leadership team that in light of the recent government announcement on groups, it was not right to proceed in the circumstances. Alternatives were debated but in the end the decision was made to cancel.

Whilst we want this project to proceed as quickly as is possible, in the light of Covid we will have to accept some delays.

I am adamant about two things:

Firstly that this will be a hugely beneficial project for Podsmead and the city of Gloucester.

Secondly that resident feedback and consultation must be a central part of the process and that without this it is not right to proceed at the previous pace.

There will still be online tools such as the video, and GCH will also be displaying the appropriate exhibition boards relating to each proposed Phase 1 development, redevelopment and park site in the soon to be erected community information notice boards on each of the proposed sites.

You can also view the latest information at http://shapethefutureglos.co.uk

I will update residents via this page as to next steps and news of any events that can be scheduled. I would guess that these will be in the new year.

If anybody has questions please let me know.

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