Pedestrian and cycle walkway confirmed from Earls Park to Newark Road

A view from Millstone Way to Newark Road behind
The fence at Newark Road

Several residents have written to me recently, asking what’s happening about the proposed pedestrian and cycle walkway from Earls Park to Newark Road. This walkway was part of the original site plan and was granted planning permission.

Many who support this pedestrian and cycle walkway have mentioned safety when walking children to school.

I have written to management at Matthew Homes and received the following response:

‘I confirm there will be a cycle / pedestrian link through to Newark Road as per the planning permission.

However there has been a little confusion as to the exact connection detail which need to be agreed with highways to ensure it is safe. Once we have this agreed with Highways the link will be constructed.’

Any plan will have to balance the needs of Earls Park residents with the concerns of neighbours in Newark Road.

I will continue to liaise with Matthew Homes, residents in both areas, and Highways over this issue. If you have any concerns or views, do let me know.

2 thoughts on “Pedestrian and cycle walkway confirmed from Earls Park to Newark Road

  1. A K says:

    Dear Sebastian

    We residents are really happy to know this as it would help our childrens to get to school through this easy access. Hope Mathew Homes will respect agreed planning permission and reopen pedestrian access way between Newark Road and Millstone way as agreed.


    • Sebastian Field says:

      Thanks Anand, good to hear you are supportive. As you say this was all agreed in the original plans but it’s now a case of Matthew Homes working with Highways to deliver an appropriate scheme.

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