Businesses to reopen

Many businesses will be reopening from July 4th. Lots more will be opening gradually over the coming weeks.

Please support them if you can, whilst staying safe and being sensible. All the businesses in Podsmead have been working very hard to reopen with sanitary and social distancing measures in place.

Although many people will be keen to return to favourite pubs and restaurants, we must all be responsible and respectful for others.

Use play equipment safely and keep Covid-19 away from loved ones

Parents and guardians wanting to take children to use play equipment in Gloucester should remind themselves of the current Coronavirus guidance.

Play areas across the city have been closed since the start of lockdown, but are set to reopen on Saturday 4th July.

However, adults should make sure they and children follow guidance to protect themselves and others from catching and spreading Covid-19. In addition, adults are being encouraged to bring their own sanitising wipes and hand gels for them and their children to use before and after touching equipment.

Signs have been put up at the city’s 70+ play areas informing the public of the guidance and any measures they should take to be safe. This includes washing hands before and after using equipment, not touching your face and keeping at least 2 metres away from others outside of your household or bubble. Where 2 metres isn’t possible, 1 metre is acceptable as long as extra safety measures are taken. As well as the guidance, signs will display the maximum number of people allowed in gated play areas if appropriate.

Let the music play

I am joining fellow music industry professionals – promoters, agents, managers and artists to call on the government to #letthemusicplay.

Since lockdown I and all my colleagues in the music industry have not been able to perform any sort of live music.

We all want life to go back to normal and we all want to get back to work, but we may have very limited or no work to get back to without meaningful financial help for the arts sector soon.

Live music employs a lot of people and touches all of us, so please show your support.

Blackbridge Community Sports Hub update

Good progress is being made with the development of the Blackbridge Community Sports Hub project in Podsmead.

A CGI impression of how the hub building might look

The proposed scheme will see the provision of a full sized Artificial Grass Pitch and natural turf pitches for football, rugby and other sports, as well as a hub building which will feature changing rooms, a dance/exercise studio, health and fitness gym, and social and meeting spaces.

Here are some of the highlights from recent months:

• A successful local community consultation event was held in February, where residents were able to learn more about the project and share their views

• Regular meetings of the Blackbridge Community Land Trust (who are overseeing the development of the project) are taking place, with day to day support from Active Gloucestershire

• Ongoing talks with prospective user groups, including Tuffley Rovers FC, Quedgely Wanderers FC, Gloucester All Golds Rugby League Club, Widden and Old Cryptians Rugby Union Clubs, Rugby For Heroes and others

• An outline Programme of Use and indicative business plan are being developed

• Close working with Gloucestershire FA and the Football Foundation around an application for funding towards the 3G artificial turf pitch. Consideration being given to seeking additional sources of funding, e.g. Rugby Football League Facilities Fund, charitable trusts, wider community share offer

• Technical reports (including archaeology and drainage) have been completed and a planning application is being drafted

The indicative timeline for the development and delivery of the project is as follows:

• Late summer 2020: full planning application

• January 2021: application to Football Foundation

• May 2021: tender main contracts

• Summer 2021: start on site

• Spring/Summer 2022: opening

Clearing the paths

I’ve asked for this foliage on Podsmead Road near the Crypt School to be cut back, as it overhangs the footpath. A lot of vegetation has grown out during the lockdown, and it makes life difficult for blind and partially sighted people, as well as people in wheelchairs.

A campaigner called Ella has been asking people to cut back any vegetation they are able to outside their homes. With council resources stretched at present this could be very helpful, as long as you take care with power tools etc.

Podsmead weed removal

Residents have been asking me when the weeds will be removed around Podsmead.
I contacted the council and they have informed me that the spraying teams will be out from Monday 29th June.

Last year the weeds were sprayed but heavy rains reduced the effectiveness, and in the end the council hired in a machine called ‘Weedo’ to do the job. I’ve asked if that will be happening again this year if the weeds prove too resilient.

Street sign request

I’ve requested a street sign for Manu Marble Way and I’m told this will be installed by the developer within the next two weeks.

It’s important for residents as they have experienced difficulties with deliveries – more of an issue during the lockdown with more home deliveries.

I’m also requesting a sign for Neven Place, which is in the same development.

Fly-tipping at Milton Avenue

The water level in the Milton Avenue pond has been very high this week! During my meeting with the local police I spotted this fly-tipping and reported it to the council. They had already attended swiftly to deal with the vandalised bench I reported earlier.

I had previously met on site with the Leader of the Council after a question I asked him about the prior vandalism to the viewing deck, to look at potential security measures we could put in place at this site.

The police are now looking into what they could do at the area, and will be reporting back to me soon. It is always appreciated if local residents can let me know about any vandalism they see. Whilst we must always move quickly to deal with vandalism, I am also keen to do everything I can to provide opportunities for young people in the area, and to work proactively with local community groups, so that we combat the root cause of vandalism.