Halford House improvements

I have recently been in touch with Gloucester City Homes over several issues in Podsmead. We have agreed that these gas boxes at Halford House should be replaced and I am hoping that this can be done.

We also aim to get these supports repainted, weather allowing. I am grateful to GCH for their help on these recent issues in Podsmead.

Thank you to the Crypt School

Huge thanks to the Crypt School, who are kindly hosting a non-uniform day to raise money for our project at Poets’ Corner, Podsmead.

This will be held next Friday, 13th November.

Poets’ Corner was an empty unit on the ground floor of Halford House. I have been campaigning to get it brought back into use, and I’m delighted that this is now happening. Podsmead Big Local will be running food distribution from there, and we will be using the space for meetings and adult education, post-COVID.

The money from Crypt will really help to pay for equipment and storage food for the building.

GCH improvements to come

After a resident contacted me, concerned about the safety of this gate from Shakespeare Avenue flats through to Byron Avenue, I spoke to officers at Gloucester City Homes to see what could be done.

I am delighted that GCH have agreed to install a keypad lock, which will improve safety and security. This will be done as part of day-to-day repairs on GCH properties in Podsmead.

Food services during lockdown

If you or a neighbour are experiencing difficulties in affording food, doing your shopping or accessing online shopping, please get in touch and I can connect you with local help.

Gloucestshire’s Community Help Hub is still active and can be accessed here.

Podsmead Big Local are the hub for food services in Podsmead, and can be contacted via their website or on Facebook. There is also food available from Podsmead Residents’ Association at The Ramblers.

Support the independents

Though we are still awaiting the fine detail of the lockdown measures starting Thursday, we do know that essential shops (eg those selling food) will remain open during the lockdown. There is no need to panic buy food, medicine or loo roll.

Independent shops will only be open physically another couple of days, so now might be a good opportunity to stock up on gifts for Christmas or to treat yourself.

Many shops will be operating some sort of online shopping service, so if there are things you need that you can buy online for a small, local or independent shop, this will support jobs and keep those small businesses open a bit longer.

There is government support being made available to some businesses forced to close. Information about this can be viewed here. If I can help in any way, please get in touch.

Shop local

When lockdown begins on Thursday, many local businesses will be forced to close as non-essential, or to carry on online as a mail-order/click and collect service.

Whilst big chains might be able to weather the storm by relying on reserves, small independent shops might struggle to hang on until December.

It’s really important that, when we can, we buy our takeaway food or coffee, books, gifts and anything else from independents. Big multinational corporations may sometimes be cheaper, but you know when you buy independent that the money is going directly to families and friends rather than to making even more profit for corporation shareholders and owners.

Over the course of lockdown I will be featuring local businesses on my social media.

If you would like me to promote your business, please get in touch, ideally with a photo and brief blurb about what you do and how to contact you.

Regeneration update

The consultation events planned by Gloucester City Homes for September, October and November unfortunately had to be cancelled due to concerns over Covid restrictions. But GCH, city council planners and the city councillors involved continue to meet virtually and work behind the scenes.

A newsletter and survey will be coming through doors in Podsmead soon, and information boards will be erected at the various regeneration sites.

We will continue to consult in any way we can safely do so, and would be keen to hear any suggestions for further ways to hear your views. Please let me know your ideas.

All parties are determined to deliver a quality scheme of much-needed housing for Podsmead.

Christmas cards in aid of Read with me

Read with me are pleased to unveil our range of Christmas cards, in aid of the project. They are by artist Molly Emilia Rose.

They are £3.99 a pack and £10 for 3 packs.

A6 size, there are 9 cards to a pack, 3 different exclusive designs. The cards are blank inside for your own message, and come with Kraft envelopes.

They can be ordered from Linda Cohen direct, or online from the Read with me shop.