Empire Way street sign – replacement coming soon

I have been in touch again with the council over the broken street signs at Empire Way. I reported these in the middle of last year but there have been delays due to Covid.

I have been told that the new street sign to replace the one pictured is in stock, but the team are awaiting an order of channel brackets.

When these are delivered, the street sign can be erected on location. I look forward to seeing it replaced, and have also asked about the others nearby.

If you know of any missing or damaged street signs in our area please let me know.

Blackbridge project – short update

The existing club house (2018 photo)

The Blackbridge sports hub project is progressing well now, and all final technical consultants have been engaged.

The planning consultants and those working f on the project are targeting April 2021 for submission of a planning application.

I have worked proactively with the planning consultants in my time as city councillor for Podsmead, and have asked questions about the project at both city and county council level.

I am very much looking forward to seeing the plans and being able to have an input on them.

This will be an important enhancement to the Podsmead community and bring health and environmental benefits for users and local residents.

Empire Way street signs

Last year I reported to the council some broken street signs in the Centurion Industrial Estate in Podsmead.

Orders were placed for replacement signs in December, but as yet the new signs have not been installed.

I have chased all these signs up with the council after I was in the area dealing with a casework issue.

I also reported earlier this month the damaged sign outside Keyway, which looks like it’s been hit by a vehicle.

This has been added to my list for chasing up. The sign team have been especially busy recently, but they are onto it.

If you see a street sign that needs replacing or cleaning, please let me know.

Here to help you

Although there is light at the end of the tunnel with the successful vaccination programme and the ‘roadmap out of lockdown’, many people are still finding things tough.

I wanted to make sure you were aware of where to get the most up to date advice and support.
Below are some links and contact details that I hope you find helpful.

I am always happy to help with any issues, big or small. You can contact me here.

The community help hub can be contacted at www.gloucestershire.gov.uk/helphub or on 01452 583519.

You can find the latest Government advice at www.gov.uk/coronavirus

And you can find useful local information on the Gloucester Lib Dem website.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you need my help.

Gloucestershire Library Services Update

We would like to update you regarding County Council library services that are on offer during the National Lockdown and also notify you of changes coming soon to the eBook and eMagazine service.

1.eBook Service Update: Please read if you use the RBDigital eBook and eMagazine services

On 25th February there will be a major change to the eBook and eMagazine service we offer. Following the acquisition of RBdigital by OverDrive, our eBooks and eMagazines will be moving to the OverDrive platform (Libby) – some of you may be familiar with the Libby service which will enhance our fantastic range of eBooks and eMagazines. 

We are working with the supplier to ensure a smooth transition and if you have a book checked out in the RBdigital app at the point of the switch over, it will be available for the remainder of the lending period. 

Do you have items on hold (reserved) in RBdigital?

Unfortunately any titles you have selected as holds will not be transferred. However, you may export your Transaction History from the RBdigital website by accessing My Account > Profiles, so you have a list to then re-place in the new Libby service. Please undertake this prior to the 24th February in order to prepare for the change. 

How will I be able to access the new Overdrive Libby app?

In order to use the new service you will just need your library card number and PIN to access OverDrive’s Libby app, where you will be able to place your holds again. 

More information will be shared soon at: https://www.gloucestershire.gov.uk/libraries/ebooks-eaudiobooks-and-emagazines/

2.Service Availability as a result of the National Lockdown

In order to support the UK Government’s stay at home message, our online services continue to be available to you from home via the Internet.

Your Library From home

You can access a range of free digital content from home through your internet, including eBooks, eAudioBooks and eMagazines which are available 24/7 and can be accessed with your library card. For more information about our services from home, please visit the website. If you would like to access our extensive eBooks, eAudioBooks and eMagazines offer, please click here. 

We are also providing a range of online events and activities through our Facebook and Youtube channels which we hope you discover and enjoy. 

In line with Government regulations, we are able to offer some limited services from our library buildings for essential use.

Essential PC access and Printing and Photocopying:

Libraries remain open to provide essential PC access to residents who cannot get online at home. Sessions have been reduced to 50 min to facilitate cleaning and must be booked in advance by calling the local library, or booking online via http://www.gloucestershirelibraries.org.uk/netloan/login.aspx. Further information can be found at https://www.gloucestershire.gov.uk/libraries/book-a-computer-including-printing/

Request and Collection Services:

At the current time, customers are not be able to enter our library buildings to browse the shelves but we continue to offer our request and collection services for those customers who wish to use them. For more information on these services please visit https://www.gloucestershire.gov.uk/libraries/request-services/

Fines, charges and managing your Library account

We are ensuring no additional fines will be incurred during this Lockdown period and we have extended our loan periods. You can check your library account online https://gloucestershire.spydus.co.uk

We thank you for your continued support. 

Best wishes from the Gloucestershire Libraries Team

Testing times

If you live in Gloucestershire there are many locations where you can get tested for Coronavirus.

If you have symptoms, these are the venues:

Testing locations for those WITH Covid symptoms

And for those without symptoms, here are the venues available:

Testing location for those WITHOUT Covid symptoms

You can find information about Covid testing on the NHS website here.

Donation from the Crypt School

Cllr Sebastian Field outside The Crypt School (photo 2019)

Good news today that The Crypt School are donating £400 to the Poets Pantry.

They held a fundraiser before half term and had a great response.

This funding will support the work at the Pantry when it opens.

As ever we are grateful to the school for playing an active role in the Podsmead community.

Covid Safety Measures in Place for May elections

Gloucester City Council, who run elections in the city, have today issued the following statement:

On Thursday 6 May, Gloucester’s residents will go to the polls to have their say on who represents them for the next few years.

Residents are being asked to vote for who represents them at Gloucester City Council, Gloucestershire County Council and to select their Police and Crime Commissioner. 

There are a number of ways to take part in the election – voters can visit a polling station where Covid safety measures will be place, including staff wearing face coverings and sitting behind screens and social distancing measures inside and outside each polling station. 

Anyone voting in person is required to wear a face covering when inside the poling station, unless exempt for medical reasons and may bring their own pen if they wish. 

Alternatively people can vote by post or appoint someone they trust to vote on their behalf, which is known as a proxy vote.

Letters are being sent out to let voters in Gloucester know if they are registered to vote and the ways they can take part in the election.  

Anyone who isn’t yet registered has until April 19 to do so. The deadline to apply for postal votes is April 20 and for a proxy it is April 27.

However, if a voter tests positive for Covid 19 or is required to self-isolate after the deadline, they will be able to apply for an emergency proxy vote up until 5pmon polling day.

Jon McGinty, Managing Director at Gloucester City Council and Returning Officer, said: “The elections are very important – they’re an opportunity to make your voice heard and have a say on who represents you on issues that directly affect day-to-day life here in Gloucester. 

“However you choose to cast your vote in May, you can do so safely. We’re putting arrangements in place to help you stay safe at the polling station; you can expect many of the measures you’ve become used to in shops over recent months, such as hand sanitiser, screens and face masks. But you also have the option to apply to vote by post or by proxy but please don’t leave it too late to do so.”

For information visit the Gloucester City Council website or call 01452 396203.’


Liberal Democrats establish County Council Task Group to scrutinise polluters and hold water companies to account for polluting Gloucestershire’s rivers and endangering public safety.

Our county’s rivers are flooded with harmful pollutants, including raw sewage discharged from Gloucestershire’s water companies, Severn Trent, Thames Water and Wessex Water.  Back in 2019, these companies were found to have discharged into English Rivers for a combined 400,000 hours.

Last September, Gloucestershire Liberal Democrats brought a motion to the County Council, calling on it to take urgent action to address pollution in our county’s rivers.  This motion passed resoundingly, supported by councillors from all parties.  

Now, we’re turning up the heat on the county’s biggest polluters, forming a County Council task group that will:

  • Investigate the extent of pollution present in our rivers
  • Investigate the extent of the damage this pollution is having on the ecosystems within our rivers and the safety issue it poses.
  • Scrutinise the activities of water companies and other polluters, and to challenge them to change their behaviour.  
  • Explore the opportunity to create a designated bathing spot in some of Gloucestershire’s rivers to make them safe for the public to enjoy.  

Commenting on the next steps, Cllr Paul Hodgkinson, the Lib Dem spokesperson on the Climate Emergency, said:

“We are extremely fortunate to live in a county with such an incredible natural landscape and waterways, yet for decades water companies have been allowed to abuse our rivers to the point that they have destroyed natural habitats and are endangering public health.

“I am extremely pleased that we’re taking the next step and forming a task group to scrutinise their actions, to hold them to account for the dumping of sewage and to challenge them to change their behaviour.  

“This is an exciting opportunity to build back better from this challenging period, because Gloucestershire deserves better than filthy polluted rivers.”