Anti-burglary advice from Gloucestershire Constabulary – go WIDE

Make your home more protected from burglars by installing a WIDE combination of security devices: 
· Window locks
· Internal lights on timer switches
· Double or deadbolts fitted to doors
· Exterior lights on a sensor 

Burglars look for opportunities. Do what you can to take those opportunities away from them. 

Discover more burglary prevention advice.

Stagecoach single fares capped at £2 until 31st October

The cost of a single bus journey will continue to be capped at £2* on most Stagecoach routes in England until Tuesday 31st October 2023.

The Bus Fare Cap scheme is a government initiative which started on 1st January 2023 and has been extended for a further four months. During this time, most single fares on eligible Stagecoach routes will cost £2 or less.

Tickets can be bought on board or on the Stagecoach Bus App.

Find out more about the fare cap here.

Travellers gone from Tuffley Park

(But lots of mess left behind)

The travellers have now moved on from Tuffley Park. The council was working through the legal process and were due to serve an eviction notice on them tomorrow.

I have been down tonight and taken some photos.

Unfortunately the site has been left in a terrible state.

There is even human waste on site so please take care ‼️

I will contact the council to let them know the travellers have gone, and also ask for the following:

An urgent clean up ?

A review of security for the park ? ?

More frequent emptying of bins ?️

A plan for future occurrences ?

I also believe that the legislation over this issue needs to be looked at and possibly toughened

My thanks to the police and council, all the many residents who have sent me messages, and especially to the Friends of Tuffley Park ? for their work on this.

Grass cutting in the city

I was asked recently why the verges in Tuffley Park hadn’t been cut back yet. I raised the question with the city council parks and open spaces manager and received the following response:

The mowing of parks is done every two weeks, amenity areas are cut on 15 – 20 day cycle. Ubico also cut highway verges under a contract with County Highways, the verges are cut 5 times a year. Wildflower meadows are cut annually with a tidy up cut later in the year if necessary. Areas that can’t be cut using a ride on mower (like the edge of Tuffley Park where the struts on the railings prevent access) are strimmed twice a year.

The wildflowers in the park were looking really good (until recent events). I’m glad that the wildflowers returned.

Travellers on Tuffley Park 26.6.23

I have been made aware that there are travellers on Tuffley Park.

Police are aware and I have contacted the council officer who deals with matters like this.

City council colleagues in Moreland are also aware as the travellers have previously been on The Lannett.

I will update residents when I know more. In the meantime I would urge calm. There are steps that have to be taken in these circumstances which usually cannot be rushed.

The council can be contacted on, or 01452 396396.

The police can be contacted on 101, or 999 in an emergency. The PCSO for Podsmead is Suzanne Sexton who can be reached on

My contact details are here.

Pedestrian and cycle walkway confirmed from Earls Park to Newark Road

A view from Millstone Way to Newark Road behind
The fence at Newark Road

Several residents have written to me recently, asking what’s happening about the proposed pedestrian and cycle walkway from Earls Park to Newark Road. This walkway was part of the original site plan and was granted planning permission.

Many who support this pedestrian and cycle walkway have mentioned safety when walking children to school.

I have written to management at Matthew Homes and received the following response:

‘I confirm there will be a cycle / pedestrian link through to Newark Road as per the planning permission.

However there has been a little confusion as to the exact connection detail which need to be agreed with highways to ensure it is safe. Once we have this agreed with Highways the link will be constructed.’

Any plan will have to balance the needs of Earls Park residents with the concerns of neighbours in Newark Road.

I will continue to liaise with Matthew Homes, residents in both areas, and Highways over this issue. If you have any concerns or views, do let me know.

Update on recent planning decisions

A short post to update residents on two recent planning decisions that were decided earlier this month.

Firstly, the Blackbridge project was approved by the Planning Committee of the city council. There were 38 conditions on the approval, so it will be important to keep an eye on these as the project develops.

Whatever your views were on the project, I hope everyone can now come together to make the hub work for all.

I will continue to liaise with residents and the Blackbridge Charitable Community Benefit Society, and make concerns heard. I recently submitted a question for the cabinet meeting earlier this month on how the council will be monitoring the project.

Secondly, the 5G mast that was proposed for Tuffley Avenue has been rejected. This was in my opinion a flawed consultation and I am glad that the proposal has been thrown out.

My thanks to Sarah and the Friends of Tuffley Park for their speed in getting comments organised.

I am not against the masts in principle but felt this was the wrong location and hadn’t been properly consulted on. The Podsmead community will need to keep vigilant for future applications and judge them on their merits.

You can view current Podsmead planning applications here.