Milton Avenue update April 2022

I am pleased to see at long last that the fly-tipping at Milton Avenue has been removed. Part of the issue seemed to be that despite giving detailed directions, the collection team couldn’t locate it. In the end PCSO Sexton and I submitted a map to them and now it has gone.

In other news, Milton Avenue play area is open and being enjoyed by local children. One piece of equipment was broken recently and we got that reported for repair – thanks to Les and Lisa Jevins for alerting me to this.

I had a note from council officers regarding the pond:

‘The work for the pond was put out to tender to three competent and approved contractors, but unfortunately no bids were submitted.

It has been decided that, from an ecological perspective, we should now wait until October before disturbing the pond. We will therefore include these works in a broader tender package going out in the next few months.

We also intend to include some additional tree and shrub planting along the linear strip to break it up a bit.

It’s a shame we could not crack on with the pond works, but it is important we do it right.’

It was also noted that sewage is entering the pond, and this is something that has been observed before. I have written to Severn Trent and they have replied, and we are looking at holding a multi-agency site meeting to try to resolve this problem once and for all.

If you have any questions about the Milton Avenue area please let me know.

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