Milton Avenue plans

In front of the gate at Woodpecker Road/ Milton Avenue

In recent months, with the exception of during the lockdown, much good work has been done by volunteers, especially Lisa Jevins and the Podsmead Clearance Team, to clear back the bramble and remove the rubbish from around the Milton Avenue area. It has been good to see the path from Milton open, and able to be accessed by wheelchairs and walkers.

We are now looking at the future plans for the area, and how to spend the European funding that will be put into the Gloucester Urban Greening Project. Much will be done to plant flowers, reeds and make other improvements.

The first step will be to get the stubborn bramble cut back, then to clear out the rubbish and think about how we can use the space more effectively. The council has commissioned a contractor to investigate and start cutting back the bramble. I look forward to seeing the changes and helping out where and when I can.

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