Milton Avenue green space has been the site of much good work by local groups in recent years and it will be the location for exciting works to come.
With money from the European Union (safe despite Brexit), the area will be improved with extensions of the pond and planting of wildflowers. It is also hoped that we can improve accessibility at the site.
Covid has obviously delayed things but we hope to start planting in the autumn, with the project running until 2022. There will then be a 15 year maintenance period where the council and partners will need to keep what we plant etc in good order.
The key thing at the moment though is to get the heavy bramble cleared to allow for planting.
The above sketch is an indicative plan and is by no means a final proposal – it’s just to indicate what could be done at the site. I have permission from council officers to share it.
I have had meetings on this subject regularly in my time as city councillor for Podsmead. There is a lot of goodwill and positive energy going into this. My thanks as always to the volunteers and groups who have maintained this site up to now.
Please do get in touch if you have ideas or questions. This will very much be a team effort and I look forward to helping steer it through.