Mayor and Council Leader express Council’s sadness at the death of HRH Prince Philip

The Right Worshipful Mayor of Gloucester, Cllr Kate Haigh and the leader of Gloucester City Council, Cllr Richard Cook have expressed great sadness following the announcement of the death of HRH Prince Philip:

“On behalf of all of Gloucester City Council’s councillors and staff, we would like to say how deeply sad we all are at the news of HRH The Duke of Edinburgh’s death. We send our sincere condolences to Her Majesty the Queen and all her family at this time.

“The loss of His Royal Highness The Duke of Edinburgh is one that will be felt across the globe. We have been fortunate enough to welcome HRH The Duke of Edinburgh to the city on a number of occasions, and each time we could feel his warmth and fondness for Gloucester.” 

“As a mark of respect for HRH The Duke of Edinburgh flags on all council buildings are being flown at half mast.”

The Council is seeking guidance on the most appropriate way for residents to offer their condolences and will issue further information in due course.

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