Let’s get Podsmead a pharmacy!

For many years now, the Podsmead community have been campaigning for a pharmacy in Podsmead. The ward clearly has a need for one, as it comes high in league tables of areas with deprivation, and the percentage of residents without a car or transport is above the national average.

In surveys, Podsmead has emerged as one of only two areas in the county with high needs but no local pharmacy.

Although it is one of the things that residents regularly mention in surveys and in the doorstep, health bosses have up till now denied that there is any special need for a Podsmead pharmacy.

There is renewed hope though, now that a draft Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment is going out for consultation:

‘The Gloucestershire Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA) 2022-2025 is now open for consultation and is live until 3rd July 2022.

The Gloucestershire Health and Wellbeing Board is responsible for producing the local PNA. The PNA is a statutory document which describes pharmacy provision in Gloucestershire and identifies any gaps in provision of services.

The consultation is now open until 5pm on 3rd July 2022. The consultation survey, with a link to the draft PNA and accompanying maps, is available here for your review and comments.’


I will be filling in the survey as the local councillor and arguing strongly for a pharmacy for Podsmead. I would urge residents to take the survey and make comments before July 3rd.

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