Leafy Podsmead

I have written to the city council to request that leaves be cleared from various roads in Podsmead such as Tuffley Avenue and Milton Avenue.

I have requested to see the leaf clearance schedule so I can report back on when all the leaves will be cleared.

We need to keep leaves out of the drains and gutters in our area as if they get blocked with leaf debris, it can increase flooding problems when it rains.

If you know of any areas that need leaf clearance, please let me know.

2 thoughts on “Leafy Podsmead

  1. Rosemarie says:

    A thought …. Leaves are like gold to a gardener perhaps encourage people to collect and keep in bags for about 2-3 years and you have compost which you can also add to the garden before it breaks downs. Great for worms/bugs.

    In this age of saving the planet it’s one step at a time …. I collect leaves and take them to my allotment on the handle bars of my push bike two bags at a time ..wish i could collect more but i am limited.

    Perhaps a bag the leaves day for your Garden …might work after all it’s FREE! ( People collect leaves for there Garden/ Allotment)…

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