Have your say on Gloucester’s blueprint

Photo credit Michelin

Residents are being asked for their feedback on Gloucester’s City Plan, the blueprint for development in the city.

The document, which went before a Planning Inspector in June last year is due to be altered following herfeedback and modifications. 

The City Plan aims to ensure that new developments are high quality, provide community infrastructure and open spaces and take into account the city’s commitment to addressing climate change and protecting the environment.

In addition, it will set out where land can be developed to grow the local economy and provide new homes that meet the needs of our communities. 

Key issues the Planning Inspector examined included flood risk and water management, sustainable transport, allocations for development, as well as the provision of affordable housing and community infrastructure.

Residents are invited to make their comments on the changes proposed by the Inspector in a consultation that will run from Monday 16 May until Monday 4 July. 

To take part in the consultation, please visit https://gloucester.inconsult.uk/MainMods.

Further information about Gloucester’s City Plan is available on the council’s website at www.gloucester.gov.uk/planning-development/planning-policy/gloucester-city-plan-examination-library/

Copies of the main documents are available to view at the council’s offices. Please telephone 01452-396396to book your appointment. You can also view the documents without an appointment at all of the libraries across the city. 

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