Friends of Tuffley Park group revived

The friends of Tuffley Park group on Facebook has been revived and some local projects are being planned.

This is what local resident Sarah put on the page:

Hi folks, I’m looking to kick start this group again! ? I’m a local resident and keen supporter of Tuffley Park looking to inject some community spirit, funding and events into the area. I’ll be working with our local councillors and businesses on improvement ideas such as:
?bench installations,
?flower beds / trees / insect hotels,
?accessible features,
?‍♀️gym equipment,
?‍?‍?‍?community litter pick days,
?summer/autumn community fates,
?‍♂️park improvements,
?general welfare and improvement of our facilities using government funding.
?…and importantly… push forward local suggestions!! (Please post and suggest!!)

Please keep an eye out for updates and share with locals in the area ? Feel free to share local notices and events.

I want this page to be a place of positivity and community spirit, preserving and improving our local green space which is loved by many?

Have a lovely day!


I am all for this and will be supporting the group as much as possible. We have already been speaking to other community partners about how we can work together.

If you would like to join the group on Facebook just search ‘Friends of Tuffley Park’.

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