Fly-tipping at Milton Avenue

The water level in the Milton Avenue pond has been very high this week! During my meeting with the local police I spotted this fly-tipping and reported it to the council. They had already attended swiftly to deal with the vandalised bench I reported earlier.

I had previously met on site with the Leader of the Council after a question I asked him about the prior vandalism to the viewing deck, to look at potential security measures we could put in place at this site.

The police are now looking into what they could do at the area, and will be reporting back to me soon. It is always appreciated if local residents can let me know about any vandalism they see. Whilst we must always move quickly to deal with vandalism, I am also keen to do everything I can to provide opportunities for young people in the area, and to work proactively with local community groups, so that we combat the root cause of vandalism.

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