I am grateful to council staff for cleaning the streetsign at Eliot Close at my urging.
During the second lockdown I will still be reporting issues and will walkabout the ward as usual, for my exercise. But if you have an issue that you would like to bring to my attention, please let me know.
It would be a much stronger message to residents if you had cleaned the sign yourself and when walking around maybe take a cloth or bin bag with you.
The cost to the tax payer for wiping a street sign a lit more .
How about getting a local group to go around and rectify little issues like dirty road names etc.
The you would be seen as someone who is prepared to roll their sleeves up.
Thanks Michael, I’m always prepared to roll my sleeves up, but in the case of casework matters like this it’s not the place of councillors to interfere in the council services. On occasions before when I’ve reported signs, the council have actually removed them following my report because they decided they didn’t need them anymore. So on that occasion cleaning would have been a waste of time. The council engage a streetcare partner Amey who maintain street signs and have their own programme of maintenance. This service is paid for in our council tax and the service contract so cleaning signs does not cost any extra money.
I regularly engage in community work such as litter picking and clean ups, but ultimately it is my job to drive council services (which we all pay for) to be as good as possible. The reason I asked for street signs to be cleaned and replaced if they are damaged, is that they all help to create a good feeling about the area. That’s the job of a councillor, to push for their ward to be as good as it can be. I am grateful for the comments. All best Sebastian