Earls Park play area – request to start adoption process

Full litter bin at the Manu Marble Way play area

The city council have written to Matthew Homes this week to begin the process of adopting the play areas at Earls Park.

Although the process can take some time, up to 18 months, I hope that in this case it can be achieved more quickly.

Matthew Homes will be responsible for the maintenance of the sites, including emptying the litter bins, until they are adopted.

2 thoughts on “Earls Park play area – request to start adoption process

  1. Christopher Brooker says:

    Hi Sebastian.
    Thank you for raising the issue of maintainance on the residents behalf for both play areas in Manu Marble way and Neven place. G.C.C. response in begining the adoption process with Mathew Homes is reassuring and hopefully Mahew Homes will continue to maintain both open spaces untill that adoption process is completed.
    The footpath on the West side of Neven Place open space is impassable because of overhanging vegetation, forcing people to walk around it on the grass with damaging consequences. I have spoken to the contactors representative regarding this matter and was told they are not paid to keep the pathway clear. It seems that the only way to address this issue is to clear the pathway myself which I find is very frustrating.

    • Sebastian Field says:

      Thanks Chris yes this path has been reported before to Matthew Homes but no action yet. I am still waiting for a reply on several items. I will chase up this week.

      All best


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