Earls Park – inspection of play park

Council officers were due to be inspecting the Earls Park site as part of the adoption process on Wednesday 13th April. Until the site is adopted by the Council, the land is owned and maintained by Matthew Homes. It is private land in which the Council cannot operate.

The council are aware of the issues with bins so they are looking to:

  • Get the contact details for the management company that Matthew Homes should have appointed to empty bins and maintain the play areas and grass area.
  • Ensure that a sign with these contact details is in place in the parks to enable residents to report any issues easily.
  • Agree with the developer a regular time for which the bins shall be emptied and try to hold the developer to account on meeting this agreement.
  • Agree with the developer a regular schedule of litter picking and maintenance and try to hold the developer to account on meeting this agreement.
  • They also were due to report the damaged bollard at Neven Place as part of the visit.

I will be following up with the council for feedback and will relay any further developments or actions. Residents can let me know any concerns by contacting me.

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