Community funding for Podsmead

The city council have renewed the councillor community fund for all the council wards in Gloucester. This means an allocation of £750 per councillor, to support community projects.

Last year, I supported three projects or community groups:

  • 1: Read with Me literacy project – working with local children
  • 2: Tuffley Rovers – pitch repairs at Glevum Park
  • 3: Poets Pantry food support.

If you have an idea for something you’d like supporting, let me know.

From the city council: ‘The fund can be allocated to support projects or activities that benefit the communities within your ward boundaries. Examples include startup costs for a community group, purchase of play equipment or the installation of a bench seat in a public space.’

There are terms of reference for the funding, so it’s best to drop me an email to and let me know your ideas. There is a couple of small bits of paperwork that each applicant will need to fill in.

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