Cleaning a premises during Covid-19

Podsmead business Into Cleaning have prepared this handy guide to cleaning your property or premises during Covid-19.

For advice about cleaning methods and products do visit their website, call 0800 0337470, or email

Coronavirus – A Cleaning Guide

Prior To Opening And Resuming Services – Has a risk assessment been carried out?

• Are the most current HSE guidelines being followed?

• Were fridges left for prolonged periods and have these been cleaned out and expired contents disposed of?

• Has any stagnant/still water been disposed of? Areas of concern will be water fountains/dispensers, tea kettles and urns, showers etc.

• Were all feminine hygiene bins serviced and waste bins emptied and cleaned if necessary?

• Are hand dryers still operational? Guidelines would suggest where possible to replace hand dryers with disposable paper towels. If this is done, provisions must be made in the form of a closed bin for disposal.

• Is there a need for extra signage to ensure staff and visitors are mindful of social distancing measures and extra hygiene requirements?

• Are cleaning services adequate for the site or are extra services required? Have provisions been made for areas/equipment to be cleaned while contract cleaners are not on site?

• Is there a supply of hand sanitiser and an anti-bacterial hand soap available?

• Are there any requirements for equipment handled by multiple members of staff to be cleaned?

• Has the use of a virisidal detergent for use by cleaning operatives and site staff been provided?

Safe Working Conditions

Are any changes implemented to help combat Covid19 easy to understand and follow?

• Are there clear guidelines and signs to encourage social distancing and awareness?

• Are work areas free of clutter to aid cleaning?

• Have provisions been made for extra attention in the form of using a virisidal detergent to be made to any touch points to help prevent the spread of infection?

• Have any unnecessary cloths/rags/sponges/mops that can harbour bacteria been disposed of and has cleaning using disposable cloths and industrial blue roll been considered?

• Are common areas/canteens big enough to accommodate staff and are adequate cleaning provisions in place?

• Is there enough stock available in the form of paper supplies (toilet rolls / handtowels / industrial blue roll for cleaning) hand soap and sanitiser on site?

Confirmed Case

Have you made provisions with a specialist contract cleaner in the event of a confirmed cased of Covid19?

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