City council update on Tier 4 restrictions


The Government announced today that Gloucestershire would move into Covid Tier 4 (Stay at Home). Tier 4 rules will apply from the beginning of 31 December 2021and will start at one minute past midnight tonight. Attached is a headline guide to the new rules.

WORKING FROM HOME – the rules on working from home remain largely unchanged but the emphasis is stronger that staff living in a Tier 4 area must not leave or be outside their home or garden unless they need to go to work because they cannot work from home.  Anyone who can work from home should work from home.

Other justifiable non-work-related reasons for leaving home include acting as a volunteer or job-seeking, essential local shopping and click & collect/takeaway, access to essential services, to fulfil legal obligations, sell or buy a house or vote, for education or training, childcare, under 18 sport and physical activity, to visit your support bubble, care for vulnerable people, provide emergency assistance and for respite care, exercise outdoors, for medical reasons and for communal worship, a funeral or wedding. 

HOUSING SERVICES – the current approach to working with individual homeless and street homeless households will continue unchanged.

CULTURAL VENUES – Were closed under Tier 3 guidance and will remain closed until further notice. 

EVENTS – Outdoor venues and events that were able to remain open under Tier 3 must close under Tier 4. 

CEMETERY AND CREMATORIUM – The Cemetery and Crematorium at Coney Hill will remain open. Socially distanced funerals attended by up to 30 people will continue but associated wakes and receptions at the Arbor will no longer take place. The Mulberry Tea Room will be closed except for takeaways.

GL1 LEISURE CENTRE – Indoor Gyms and sports facilities will close under Tier 4.

RETAIL – Only essential retail establishments will remain open (including food shops, supermarkets, market stalls selling essential goods, banks and post offices, pharmacies, garden centres, filling stations, bicycle shops, vehicle repair, taxi and vehicle hire businesses and builders’ merchants).  The Indoor Market and Friday Farmers Markets will close but officers are working with stallholders selling essential items to continue to trade from other locations.   All other retail must close.

SHOPMOBILITY The Gloucester Shopmobility Service will remain open to support those needing access to essential shops and businesses. This will be kept under regular review.

PERSONAL CARE (and close contact services)  – Hairdressers, barbers, nail/beauty salons, spas etc will be required to close and these services cannot be provided in other people’s homes.

HOSPITALITY BUSINESES – Bars, pubs, nightclubs, cafes, restaurants and social clubs were closed under Tier 3 and must remain closed under Tier 4 except for takeaway, delivery and click & collect services.  Hotels, B&Bs, campsites, holiday lets and guest houses must close except where accommodation is needed in a very restricted range of circumstances.

COMMUNITY CENTRES AND LIBRARIES – Community Centres must close except for a very restricted range of activities.  Libraries may open to provide access to IT and digital services or for click and collect only.

HOUSEHOLD RECYCLING & WASTE CENTRES, CAR PARKS AND PUBLIC TOILETS  – can remain open and the City Council’s car parks and public toilets will remain open.

FINANCIAL SUPPORT – is available to individuals and businesses affected by the Tier 4 restrictions and work is underway to clarify and provide access to this support. Further details are available in the full guidance (see below). The City Council’s information on financial support is being updated following today’s announcements and is subject to publication of further guidance. For the latest information go to Financial Support (Glos City Council)  or

Full details of the Tier 4 Guidance is available here Tier 4 (stay at Home) Guidance Full

NB please note there may be an update on the Farmer’s Market in the next few days.

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