Raising awareness of Batten Disease

On Tuesday 9th June a group of people dressed in orange, decorated Tuffley Avenue and The Club at Tuffley Park orange and hosted an event to raise awareness of Batten’s Disease, on International Batten Awareness Day.

We were helping the amazing Josh and his family. Josh is battling with this disease, for which sadly there is no cure yet.

The new Mayor of Gloucester, The Right Worshipful Cllr Kate Haigh, was kind enough to attend and speak at the event in support of Batten awareness.

I would like to thank Josh’s family and friends for making the day happen, Ross at the club for hosting us and the Mayor for supporting.

Incredibly, the fundraiser Josh’s family have set up has already made over £6000 at the time of writing.

Please donate if you feel able to, and share the link: https://gf.me/u/x78bkk

Regeneration Update

The regeneration plans for Podsmead and Matson have continued during recent months, and councillors and officers have met regularly online during the lockdown.

Residents are being updated via a newsletter from Gloucester City Homes who are managing the project. The newsletter and update can be viewed here.

If any residents have questions for me about the regeneration plans, please get in touch.

Tuffley Park wall

A section of the wall along Tuffley Avenue that encloses Tuffley Park was damaged recently after a car crashed into it.

The city council were informed and have inspected the damage.

However, it could be an opportunity to do something more imaginative with the boundary.

The wall is not in the best shape, even the undamaged sections. It might be time to look at fencing or rows of trees. This would also help people to see the site.

At the moment not enough people know that the Club at Tuffley Park or the park itself are there. I’m keen to hear people’s views. Obviously cost will be a factor in what we can do but I am told that the council are looking at their options.

New bin for Tuffley Park

Delighted to see this new bin installed at Tuffley Park.

I took prompt action when contacted about this and I am grateful to Gloucester City Council for their communication on this.

This bin replaces the old, broken green bin.

Please continue to take your rubbish home and recycle ♻️ for Gloucester.

Newark Road

I’m pleased to see this sign that was leaning in Newark Road has finally been fixed.

I was in touch with the county council about this issue during the by-election and again in November of last year. Persistence has paid off here.

Clearly, in recent months Highways have had some other priorities but I am grateful to them for carrying out the work.

Please take your rubbish home!

It’s great that the parks are open again and people are enjoying them. ?

You can get a hot drink ☕️ , ice cream ? , milkshake or cold drink ? at The Club at Tuffley Park whilst you are at Tuffley Park, and there is a sensible barrier and queue system.

But PLEASE take your rubbish home with you!

The photo shows one of the bins at the park, after the foxes ? ? have had a go!

I’ve asked the council to increase the frequency of collection and they have agreed to this, and did attend on the day I reported this to empty the bins again.

We can look at getting extra bins installed, but the council will not increase the total number of bins ? ? in the city, so it would have to be an underused bin or bins from elsewhere in the city.

The easiest solution is for people to take responsibility for their own litter – the rubbish shown did not all come from the Club. We all have a part to play in the current circumstances when services are stretched. So please keep Britain tidy, and recycle ♻️ where possible.

Podsmead Road Signs

Both the street signs for Podsmead Road by the Epney Road/Podsmead Road junction have been damaged – I have asked for them to be repaired and already one has been done.

It does look as though the paint has been slightly damaged when it was bent back into shape, though, so I’ve asked if this can be touched up.