Free events in August

There are lots of FREE events happening in Podsmead and the surrounding area over the month of August.

Below are the details – please do get in touch with any questions.

All events are following social distancing and hygiene measures.

There are lots of organizations and groups who are making these events happen so it’s a good opportunity to record our thanks to them all.

Free events in August

Tuesdays 10-12 at The Club at Tuffley Park – The Not So Secret Book Club

Free books, arts and crafts and snacks for children

Thursdays 2pm at The Club at Tuffley Park – free holiday cinema

Free but places are limited and must be booked in advance via

Slush, popcorn and food menu are available in the Club – only food purchased on premises allowed

Fridays 12-13pm at The Club at Tuffley Park – The Holiday Kitchen

Free lunch, chat and activity packs

Monday 24th, Wednesday 26th, Friday 28th 3-6pm at Parry Hall, Parry Road – Music Works

Free music, graffiti, sports – for further info please contact

Saturdays 12-2pm – Court Community Association Tuffley – Community BBQ or cream tea

First burger or hotdog free, with donation of £1 asked towards costs if you want another one
Range of activities and goods available

Sundays 2pm at The Ramblers Club, 62 Milton Avenue – Community BBQ

Free barbecue for all

Pavement Problem

The pavement at Tuffley Crescent which I arranged to get fixed has started to crumble again.

I have written to Gloucester City Homes to let them know, and we will keep an eye on this as the development progresses.

If you spot a pothole, or a pavement or road surface that’s breaking up in Podsmead, do please let me know.

Remembering Hiroshima and Nagasaki 75 years on

75 years ago on 6th August 1945, an atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima in Japan. Another was dropped on Nagasaki a few days later.

We are still feeling the after effects, even 75 years on.

We must remember and reflect on this use of nuclear weapons and work constantly towards a peaceful world.

If you wish to find out more about the work of CND (the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament), you can visit their website here.

Ed Davey’s green recovery plan

Acting Liberal Democrat leader and leadership candidate Ed Davey has launched a green recovery plan to halt climate change,
and help lead a green recovery from Covid.

Here is a link to the plan on the Guardian website.

Climate change is and will be a central issue for us all.

We have a golden opportunity to respond to the challenges Covid has presented by not only improving our environment but also creating green jobs and tackling the unemployment that might arise as a result of the pandemic.

It is crucial that we don’t go back to ‘business as usual’ but that we rewild, plant, and grow our economy whilst being good environmental stewards.

Book donations wanted

The Not So Secret Book Clubs, which run every week throughout the summer, at different locations in Gloucestershire, have already been a great hit, providing children of all ages with new books to read free of charge.

We urgently need donations of second hand children’s books ? and art ? materials .

If you can help please get in touch.

Email or or message me on Facebook.


The road surface at Lower Tuffley Lane is poor in a number of places, so I reported the defects to Highways.

They have filled the worst potholes, such as this one, but I believe more needs to be done. There are still lots of potholes etc along this key business route.

The process is what’s called ‘data-led’ – so the council respond to reports of specific problems at specific locations. Normally this is fine to get individual potholes reported and filled, but in this case the road needs a full resurface.

I’ll keep pressing the Conservative-run county council for more action on Podsmead’s roads.