Flooding on Podsmead Road

There is flooding on the corner of Podsmead Road and Tuffley Avenue.

It has been reported to Highways and I will continue to monitor the situation.

If you know of any flooding issues or blocked drains please let me know.

Below is the advice from Highways for emergency matters:

‘If your enquiry is an emergency highways matter and needs immediate attention, please call our emergency line 08000 514514.’

Scott Avenue grass

There has been some damage done to the grass in various parts of Scott Avenue open space. I met on-site with the council officer responsible and looked at solutions.

At the Shakespeare Avenue end, there has been some work carried out recently and there has been some soil put on top of the grass. This is being looked into.

Outside Podsmead Hub there has been some damage caused by cars parking/driving on the grass.

The council are looking the possibility of putting some bollards on the field to prevent this. At it is city council land they can do this, but we would need to be careful not to interfere with utility connections. The officer is also investigating this and will get back to me.

Damage to grass verge on Tuffley Avenue

There has been some damage done to the grass verge on Tuffley Avenue. Cars have been churning up the grass in front of the wall along Tuffley Park.

I would like to see some bollards installed to prevent further damage and help the grass recover. The county council own the land and so a request was made to them.

Unfortunately Highways have not agreed to this request (it is generally their policy not to install bollards to prevent parking/driving on grass).

This is a shame because residents are worried about the grass being damaged.

Long-term, there is an aspiration to do something more imaginative with the wall at this location. In the meantime I would discourage people from parking on this grass and damaging it.

Poplar trees by the red bridge

I was in touch with the city council’s tree officer over the summer over the safety issue at Cole Avenue during the storms, and also over the overhanging trees on the red bridge which were cut back on my request a couple of months back – see my story here.

I am informed that work will be carried out to two poplar trees at the back of the bungalows on the other side of the bridge this week. In general, only urgent/safety works are being carried out to trees in Gloucester, due to budgetary concerns. A Lib Dem council would look to allocate more money to tree works.

Santa and Travelling Light come to Podsmead

Santa visited Podsmead on Friday 11th December, going along the streets and delighting residents.

My thanks to all involved, and hopefully this can return next year to bring Christmas cheer to young and old.

Tonight (Saturday 12th December) there will be a visit from the Travelling Light exhibition run by Squid Soup. You can read more about this interesting light installation here.